Monday, May 19, 2008


Bennetts said...

Calee, I just clicked on your link from Cami's blog hopefully you dont mind. Congrats on the news, I still need to see your rock. How is it that you look so dang good no matter what??? You must photograph like that good lookin' mom of your. Anyways Love the blog

Austin and Amber said...

I am so excited you finally decided to get a blog. It is way cute! How are the wedding plans going?

Billy and Nikki said...

Calee!!!!!! Congrats on the engagement, I'm so happy for you. You guys look so cute together. I can't believe how big drake is getting. wow

The Johnson's said...

Thanks, the wedding plans are going great. Im taking my bridals in two weeks and we are planning to build a house in the fall. So it is going to be a busy summer.